10 Jun

There are many natural healthy way to cure common diseases and sickness..

In primitive African society today most people prefer self-medication to going to the hospital..

There are some common sicknesses which can be cured at home without going to the hospital or pharmacy...

Here we will be briefly discussing easy and healthy ways to get rid of some common sickness,diseases and infections in our society today.

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Diarrhoea has become a common sickness especially in infants..Research shows that diarrhoea is mainly caused by eating/drinking contaminated foods/drinks...

Here are ways to control and stop this diarrhoea in infants without spending money:

RICE WATER:Rice water is rich in vitamin B component.it is also rich in carbohydrates therefore it is a good source of energy.. It stimulates the growth of useful bacteria in the stomach promoting healthy bowel movement.A study found that RICE water was more effective in controlling diarrhoea both reducing the volume and frequency of stool output in infants.

How to use:cook a cup full of RICE in three to four cups of water..once the granules are half cooked,strain the liquid,add sugar to taste.Drink while warm.

Sweetened drinks and teas can also go a long way in treating diarrhoea


Bleeding is very common..people often bleed from wounds,cuts,miscarriage .Bleeding if not controlled can lead to shock,unconsciousness or death.

There easy ways to stop/control bleeding especially after miscarriage.. The most effective way is the use of:

ORANGE :Orange contains vitamin c which helps strengthen blood vessels Taking oranges after miscarriage will help stop bleeding and repair worn out blood cells..


Pregnant women tends to get swollen feet when they are close to their delivery date while some women get swollen feet once they become pregnant..There are natural and health way to stop this.

The most effective way is by taking Tea made from CORN SILK(the tassels or Silk from an ear of maize).


Gallstones is a very deadly disease if not well manage. People who have gallstones experience difficulty in urinating .The proven way of getting rid of gallstones is by taking 4 teaspoon of olive oil and juice of one lemon every 15mins until one pint has been taken

N.B:These ways of curing sickness are not in anyway harmful to the body.

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